Beidar-Tiberian Wars

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Beidar-Tiberian Wars
La prise de Constantine 1837 par Horace Vernet.jpg
The Battle of Saaid
Date 1869 – 1948
(79 years)
Location Columbia, Andalusia, Vespucia, East Althena
First Coalition
Tiberias; Treaty of Saint Littio
Second Coalition
Tiberian victory; Treaty of Duisburg
Third Conflict
Abbasidi victory
Fourth Conflict
Stalemate, Unification of Andalus
* Fall of the Emirate of Ajman and establishment of the Abbasidi State
  • Tiberias annexes all lands along the River Tiber
  • Establishment of the pro-Tiberian State of Sousse
  • Establishment of the Apomonese Republic
  • Tiberias cedes Rasheed to Abbasid
  • Tiberias cedes Islas del Oeste to Madrilena
  • Unification of Andalusia
  • Other territorial changes

The Beidar-Tiberian Wars were a series of sweeping military conflicts, lasting from 1869 until 1948, resulting from the collapse of the Etruscan colonial empire. Primarily fought between the Abbasidi State and the Tiberian Empire, they occasionally involved the intervention of powerful Columbian power. Initially confined to only Andalusia, the wars gradually assumed a global dimension as the political ambitions of the wars expanded. After a decade of constant warfare and aggressive diplomacy, Tiberias had succeeded in seizing and conquering a wide array of territories, from the the northern half of Andalus, to Islas del Oeste in Vespucia. These wars were instrumental in the eventual unification of Andalusia.