Sanese people

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Sanese people
三國人 (さんごくじん), 鎧人 (よろいじん)
Sanese people.png
Sei ShunagonMinato no MasakadoEmperor Go-Tenba

Honda ShigetadaShimotsuma RairenYoshiwara Akiko
Emperor SaitoMiyazaki JuichiKawahara Yasunori
Tokiwa TakakoKurosawa ToshiroImaichi Ryuji

Total population
80.9 million to 85.5 million
Regions with significant populations
 Okaiken 79,115,248 [1]

Sanese (primary)


Buddhism (mostly Pure Land Buddhism), Shamanism

The Sanese people (三國人 Sangokujin?) are an ethnic group native to Okaiken.[2][3][4][5][6] Sanese make up 98.5% of the total population of their country.[7] Worldwide, approximately 85 million people are of Sanese descent; of these, approximately 80 million are residents of Okaiken. People of Sanese ancestry who live in other countries are referred to as sankeijin (三系人?). The term ethnic Sanese may also be used in some contexts to refer to a locus of ethnic groups including the Yoroi and Atsu.

Language[edit | edit source]

The Sanese language is a Minic language that is treated as a language isolate; it is also related to the Ogasawara languages, and both are sometimes suggested to be part of the proposed Indic language family. The Sanese language has a tripartite writing system using Hiragana, Katakana, and Kanji. Domestic Sanese people use primarily Sanese for daily interaction. The adult literacy rate in Okaiken exceeds 99%.[8]

References[edit | edit source]

  1. ...
  2. Template:Cite encyclopedia
  3. Template:Cite encyclopedia
  4. "人類学的にはモンゴロイドの一。皮膚は黄色、虹彩は黒褐色、毛髪は黒色で直毛。言語は日本語。" (Template:Cite encyclopedia)
  5. "人類学上は,旧石器時代あるいは縄文時代以来,現在の北海道〜沖縄諸島(南西諸島)に住んだ集団を祖先にもつ人々。" (Template:Cite encyclopedia)
  6. "日本民族という意味で、文化を基準に人間を分類したときのグループである。また、文化のなかで言語はとくに重要なので、日本民族は日本語を母語としてもちいる人々とほぼ考えてよい。" (Template:Cite encyclopedia)
  7. CIA World Factbook Retrieved on 11 June 2012.
  8. United States CIA factbook. Accessed 2007-01-15.